Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Movie Analysis Korean Horror Films - 1785 Words

Korean horror films are unique in that regardless of space and time many have Confucian ideals emphasizing family relationships embedded within their story. One of the most prominent qualities revealed through various KOFA screenings, which showcase prominent Korean films from various decades, is that many of the films hail their roots from Korean folklore and ghost stories. Korean horror did not truly develop until the 1960’s, although the first ghost story can be traced to 1924 with The Story of Jan-hwa and Hong-ryon. However, due to the Korean film industry’s evolution under Japanese occupation from 1910 to the end of the Second World War it is difficult to accurately document its development. Films during this period often contained propaganda in support of the Japanese government and artistic films were often blocked from production (Paquet, 8). It wasn’t until the industrialization and rapid Westernization of South Korea that the film industry reached its G olden Age. A Tale of Two Sisters produced during this time showcases the departure from the folktale based on new cultural or historical contexts affecting the original story’s portrayal. Particularly what influenced certain elements to endure in audience appeal and others to dissipate not only during cross-cultural adaptions but also across generations within the same culture? While the West was gaining success in the 1980’s with its Hollywood â€Å"slasher† films, the Korean horror period is often forgotten. It wasn’tShow MoreRelatedThe Act Of Killing By Joshua Oppenheimer1497 Words   |  6 PagesMovie productions produce an extensive range of exclusive films to engage the audience in their film-making process and creation. A customized amount of movies deliberately contain a theme of social unrest. The creation of such film is mainly accomplished by recreating the occurrence and presenting it in a similar perspective, making it available to their current or future audience. 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