Monday, September 30, 2019

The Nature and Status of Folk Psychology

The nature and status of Folk Psychology (UP) In philosophy circles is controversial. In this essay I shall begin by briefly defining what folk psychology Is. Followed by an outline on eliminative where some of the controversy lies. My main focus will be on Paul Churchyard's views and his arguments against UP, as this will enable me to facilitate an assessment of his criticisms.Subsequent to that I will search for my own view in the defense of UP in the light of its proponents such as Horror and Woodward or Denned. By doing this I will then be able to gauge the plausibility of Churchyard's criticisms of UP. Folk psychology (UP) is the name given by lamentableness to the common sense understanding of the mind (Mind and Bodies pep). A common sense view which accepts that we all have desires and emotions such as fear, lust, beliefs, desire, pain, pleasure ,love, hate, joy attraction and so forth.These deferent states of being are utilized in what are called propositional attitudes which show intent. An example of a propositional attitude is Brenda ‘believes' she can win the lottery, Hereford ‘believes' is the Intentionality in this propositional attitude. The view of UP encapsulated by Paul Churchyard Is that It â€Å"embodies our baseline understanding of the cognitive, affective, and purposive nature of person. Considered as a whole, it constitutes our conception of what a person is†. (Churchyard in Guatemalan, 1994, p. 08) Before we go on to examine Churchyards criticism of UP, I think it would be useful to give a brief overview of the eliminations viewpoint regarding UP. Eliminative materialism (also called eliminative) Is a materialist position in the hilltop's of mind. Its primary claim is that people's common-sense understanding of the mind (or folk psychology) Is false and that certain classes of mental states that most people believe in do not exist (Wilkinson, Mind and Bodies pep) Paul M. Churchyard (b. 942) a Canadian-born philosopher is a leading proponent of eliminative; he is a long time critic of UP and the foremost advocate of neuroscience. Churchyards criticism dovetails with the eliminations claim that UP is a false theory â€Å"Eliminative materialism is the thesis that our common-sense inception of psychological phenomena constitutes† (eliminative Materialism and the Propositional Attitudes' Paul M Churchyard Reading 6, Wilkinson, Mind and Bodies p 194). He claims that UP is not only a radically false theory but also an empirical theory by pointing out Its similarities with other theories.He does this by stating how our â€Å"familiar mentalist vocabulary' is to be understood like other semantic terms. In that the terms used need or in fact do operate by a network of formulate laws like any other theory. An example of how Churchyard employs UP as theory Is found In his hypothesis argument on understanding the minds of others. He says that we can use UP as a hypothetical framework which Works in the main and is reasonable' to employ (Wilkinson, Mind and Bodies pep).Although Churchyard accepts our everyday use of UP as a reasonable thing to do he still argues forcefully his claim, that UP is a false theory and does this with a three pronged attack: – (a) its ontology is an illusion, (b) It is a stagnant theory and incapable of advance (c) It Is not reducible to neuroscience. (a) Churchyard begins his attack on UP by declaring that It ouch as mental illness; imagination; intelligence differences; sleep issues; motor co- ordination; perceptual illusions and memory, that he claims UP has nothing to say.He includes learning in this critique and with a further assault on UP propositional attitudes, questions where they are stored and how they are learnt to be employed, both vital to UP views on the conception of the mental. However Churchyard does not go as far as to say UP is not true but rather illusionary and that â€Å"UP is at best a highly superficial theory' (Ibid IPPP up 16) (b) Churchyard argues on historical grounds that The UP story is one of retreat infertility and decadence† (Ibid IPPP IPPP).He gives the example of how early man used UP to relate to their environment in a naive fashion believing that the wind was capable of anger, the moon Jealousy as examples of early intentional attitudes. Therefore backing up his argument that UP along with these historical intentional attitudes has become stagnant and sterile and had to give ground in the face of better theories from the area of empirical science (Wilkinson Mind and Bodies pep). To add further weight to this criticism Churchyard uses MireLegatos' terms that â€Å"UP is a stagnant or degenerating research program, and has been for millennia† (Churchyard, Reading 6, Wilkinson, Mind and Bodies, IPPP, up 18). (c) Theoretical reductionism, the process by which one theory is absorbed into another is what Churchyard uses as the main thrust of his argument that UP is probably f alse as it is not reducible to neuroscience. How UP promises theoretical integration by Churchyard's opinion is very poor he bashes FPS lack of progress and coherence in relation to natural history and physical sciences.Where he believes there growth in rinsing understanding of man is out performing UP in many respects, pointing to neuroscience breakthroughs in human sensory input and neural activity. Furthermore according to Churchyard, UP is akin to a misfit standing alone looking incapable of synthesis as FPS â€Å"stagnation and explanatory impotence promise little faith† (Ibid IPPP IPPP). Moreover UP will not likely be reflected by neuroscience as it will seem to be antiquated and here he draws a parallel between UP and ‘Aristotelian cosmology.His final and most damming attack to back up his arguments on FPS laziness is that it â€Å"suffers explanatory failures on an epic scale† (Ibid, IPPP, IPPP). I will now go over the main points of Churchyards arguments and challenge their validity and soundness in the light of his main critics and defenders of UP. Churchyards first criticism that there are areas of the mind such as motor co- ordination, sleep and memory which he says are not dealt sufficiently by UP. And implying that its ontology may be false is objected to by a riposte from two American philosophers Horror and Woodward in defense of UP.Firstly on the grounds that to impose demands on any psychological theory accounting for considerable know how when theoretical knowledge is relatively primitive (A fair point given that psychology as a medical discipline has only been practiced about the last one hundred years). Secondly, as Churchyard argues if UP is to be a successful theory the fact it must offer explanations for all the phenomena it lists in Horror and Woodward opinion this argument needs to be treated with skepticism and caution (Horror and Woodward, 1985, up. 00). Finally as Churchyard's narrowing of FPS definition does no t cover retain areas of the mind it is also dismissed, with good argument I think, because cognitive psychology has developed detailed theories on intentional psychologies (UP) Churchyards empirical argument fails to provide a convincing critique on the grounds that the theories outlined are explainable in terms of UP. Churchyards second assault on UP that it is a stagnant theory employing the same mentalist framework as the ancient Greeks.Horror and Woodward have a counter argument they rebut his view by citing the progression in 18th and 20th century literature such as Jane Austin and John Birth. Furthermore bringing their point to bear with great assurance when they point to the modern day skill in appealing to our â€Å"unconscious beliefs and motivations†, in my view borne out when viewing our modern day advertising. Therefore a rebuttal to Churchyards assertion that UP is a stagnant theory, incapable of advance is found to be false (Wilkinson, Mind and Bodies pep).In re ply to Churchyards controversial damning conclusion on FPS falseness due to its inability to reduction and that it â€Å"suffers explanatory failures on an epic scale† (Reading 6 IPPP,IPPP), American philosopher Daniel Detente (1942) points out hat eliminations fails to recognize UP as a ‘normative' theory (not Just a descriptive one). In that it also encapsulates an ‘ideal' or recommendation on how to proceed as a rational being with a value structure which incorporates social practices, such as greeting, reassuring, that is relevant to everyday existence.A pertinent point made by Denned in that it is not Just crucial not only to our own reason as human beings but that it enables us to act and think rationally and facilitates good social relations. This as can be deduced makes a mockery of Churchyards FPS falseness claims. These thoughts are mirrored by Horror and Woodward that UP although probably not reducible to neuroscience â€Å"Churchyard is Just mistaken to assume that UP must be reducible to neuroscience in order to be compatible with it† (Horror and Woodward, 1985, PEP).The assessment and examination of eliminations views on Folk Psychology with particular regard to Churchyards criticisms and UP defenders crystallites for me the essence of the UP debate, theory or practice? , reality or illusion? , past or future? UP for me is a skill nurtured by the past and in my opinion elegantly defended by Horror and Woodward arguments not only for its continual relevance but its reliance upon contemporary culture implying a growth in its lexicon.Finally Dent's utter dismissal of the eliminations views that UP left a great deal unexplained. And it is by Dent's assertion that we need UP to give us a language of reason for both our personal and social behaviors, a real boon to Folk psychology. After defining and outlining both UP and eliminative, we can see some plausible solutions to the controversy with regards to the claims that UP is a false theory, Rutherford that it is illusory, stagnant and non reducible. In my opinion Churchyard's assertion that UP is a false theory is invalid.As having seen the arguments for criticizing UP I have come to the view that Churchyard's criticisms of UP can easily be argued against, not because of his limitations of his understanding but because of his not taking into account ‘normative' values pointed out by Denned. But also invalid on the grounds that at least two to three thousand years in the life of mankind would be in my view absurdly dismissed. And finally if we were all given a behaving like robots making poetry and art nonsense!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chinese philosophy Essay

. Introduction A. Thesis There are so many different philosophies and religions, and they greatly influence people’s life. In this paper, I am going to introduce and define the representatives of the Western philosophy such as Plato’s metaphysical Dualism and Chinese philosophy like Daoism. And I am going to compare these philosophies and explain the difference between them. ?. Dualism A. Explain Plato’s metaphysical Dualism Plato’s Dualism divided the reality into two different realms of existence (World of the Senses and World of the Forms). One world (the physical world) is constantly changing, and another world (the world of the Forms) is unchanging. Plato further divided these two different realms of existence. The world of Forms can be divided into the higher world (realm of the form) and the lower world (the Empirical world). The world of senses can be divided into physical objects (ordinary objects we perceive) and images (shadows, reflections and pictures). B. Summary of Allegory of Cave Plato explained his metaphysical dualism by using the Allegory of a cave. According to Marc Cohen: In the allegory, Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. All they can see is the wall of the cave. Behind them burns a fire. Between the fire and the prisoners there is a parapet, along which puppeteers can walk. The puppeteers, who are behind the prisoners, hold up puppets that cast shadows on the wall of the cave. The prisoners are unable to see these puppets, the real objects that pass behind them. What the prisoners see and hear are shadows and echoes cast by objects that they do not see. However, one day one of them is released from what keeps them the guy sitting, and they look back. At that time, the guy realizes that there are objects and the fire behind people and someone moves the objects. The shadow people have seen is a fake. People who are still sitting have never seen the objects behind them, so they believe that the shadow is real. The guy is free to move, so he starts to run to the exit of the cave. After getting out of the cave, the guy feels dizzy because the world out of the cave is too shiny. After a while, his eyes got used to the brightness and the beautiful world like the mountain, the sky, the river, or the sun is in the eyes of the guy. And then he realizes that the world out of the cave is real. He goes back to the cave and tells people who are still sitting in the cave what he saw out of the cave. However, they do not believe that what the guy told is the truth. C. Interpretation of the Allegory. By using this Allegory, we can think about today’s world. There are too much in formation in the world, and the world seems to be narrower than before. Especially the appearance of mass media like newspaper, television, magazine, Internet, or SNS changed how we deal with information. Too much information is created and flows every day, and we can get the information you need any time by the device like a smart phone, a PC or a tablet. However, is the information you can get really the reality? The information created by mass media might be like the shadow in a cave. Before I was born, there was already too much information. I learned much information like Japanese history in a school, and I also know the new information of the incidence that occurs every day at the same time through mass media. So I learned most of things that occurred around the world through the information created by mass media, and the information is like a shadow in Allegory of a Cave. Suppose that an internal warfare is happening in one country. We know about that through mass media. We might see suffers in a TV or in a photo. We feel like understand everything about the war through the picture on TV or words of the News, but that is not a whole thing but just part of that. We need to seek the reality by my own eyes today’s world. ?. Plato’s Legacy According to Philip, â€Å"Plato thought that the soul could and would exist apart from the body and would exist after the death of the body. He offered a â€Å"proof† for this position and was the first to do so in writing that we have any evidence of doing so. He offered several different proofs or arguments none of which are convincing today†. His argument was that humans were composed of bodies and souls, but soul was more important and immortal. His arguments used premises that are questionable today. For example, Plato thought he could conclude that the soul could exist separating from the body because it worked independently from the body when it engaged in pure thought. But today, it is proved that how we think depends on the physical brain works. So this is no longer accepted as true. Plato thought that they are remembering the knowledge implanted in their souls when the souls were in the realm of pure thought and eternal forms before entering into the body after which they forgot as they became confused by physical emotions and feelings and limited experiences through the senses. And that is the only way to explain how people come to know. This is no longer accepted as the best explanation of how people come to have knowledge. However, Plato is credited with being the first human to attempt to set out any sort of a proof that humans had souls and that they survived the death of the body and that they were immortal. A. Descartes-Substance Dualism According to Philip, â€Å"Descartes also believed that the soul existed prior to and separate from the body, and it was immortal. In his view, all of reality consisted of two very different substances: matter or the physical and spirit or the non-physical. † The physical was what would be extended in time and space and the non-physical would not be characterized. He thought that his famous claim that â€Å"I think therefore I am† established not just that he existed but that he existed without a body as a â€Å"thinking thing†. A â€Å"thinking thing† is a thing that thinks and by that would be included: imagining, conceiving, hoping, dreaming, desiring, fearing, conjecturing, reasoning, remembering and more. For him a â€Å"thinking thing† needed no physical parts to do what it does. Modern science has established that there is no evidence of humans that are without a physical body and its brain. There is no evidence that thought is possible without a brain. There is much evidence that what has been associated with Descartes’ â€Å"thinking thing† is now explained solely in term of the brain and how the brain is physically structured and the functioning of the brain. B. Aquinas According to the text, â€Å"Saint Thomas Aquinas is the philosopher who explained five ways to demonstrate the existence of the God within the framework of a posteriori (the knowledge comes from, or after the experience) and developed cosmological and teleological arguments. † I am going to explain one of the demonstrations. The way is from the nature of efficient cause. In the world of sensible things, there is an order of efficient causes. It never happens that the thing is the efficient cause of itself. If you look at one phenomenon, you can see many efficient causes behind it. But you cannot go back to infinity. There must be the first efficient cause. Aquinas claims that that is the God. The Aquinas’ claim is similar to Plato’s claim. He thought the God is the first efficient cause and independent one. That is close to the concept â€Å"the realm of the form† Plato claimed. And the things in the world of sensible things are the secondary things of the God. It is close to â€Å"the Empirical world† Plato claimed. ?. Chinese Natural Cosmology A. Ames `Image of Reason in Chinese Culture† Ames claims the difference between the dominant conceptions of reality in the West and in the Chinese tradition in his â€Å"image of Reason in Chinese Culture†. According to the text, Ames claims that â€Å"to explore the Chinese philosophy, he thought you needed to recognize at least that you are dealing with a fundamentally different world if you are familiar with Western culture. To bring into relief certain features of the dominant Indo-European view and Chinese alternative to it, he constructs a â€Å"logical sense of order with an â€Å"aesthetic† order. † What we call â€Å"logical† sense of order has developed Western philosophical and religious orthodoxy, and it is based on the presumption that there is something permanent, perfect, objective, and universal that disciplines the world of charge and guarantees natural and moral order-some originative and determinative arche, an eternal realm of Platonic edios or â€Å"ideas†, the One True God of the Judeo-Christian universe, a transcendental strongbox of invariable principles or laws, an annalistic method for discerning clear and distinct ideas. In a single-order world, the One God is the initial beginning of the universe. The God is primal and unchanging principle that causes and explains that origin and issues everything from itself, and that is familiar and presupposition in Western tradition. Although the world is explained by â€Å"logical† order in Western tradition, however, there is no â€Å"logical† order in Chinese philosophy. The order of Chinese tradition is immanent in and inseparable from a spontaneously changing world. The universe possesses within itself its organizational principles and its own creative energy. In the view of Chinese tradition, the world creates itself. That is scandalous from the view point of Western scholar reason. The yin and the yan come together and guide the infinite combination of these two opposite source of energy. These two sources of energy make a spontaneous intelligence possible. Yin and yan as the characterization of a particular relationship invariably entail a perception from some particular perspective that enables us to unravel patterns of relatedness and interpret our circumstances. They provide a vocabulary for sorting out the relationship among things as they come together and constitute themselves in unique compositions. Ames also mentions the Chinese word â€Å"li†. In both classical Chinese corpus and modern language, the closest term that approximates â€Å"reason† or â€Å"principle†. He claims that identifying the meaning of the word â€Å"li† correctly is essential to understand Chinese philosophy. According to the text, â€Å"Philosophically, the most familiar uses of li lie somewhere in the cluster â€Å"reasoning† or â€Å"rationale† (A. S. Cua), â€Å"principle† (W.T. Chan), â€Å"organism† (J. Needham), and â€Å"coherence† (W. Peterson). † Among these several alternative translations used for â€Å"li†, although philosophically as protean as â€Å"principle† for Western tradition, unwarrantedly restrict li to a notion of human consciousness and tend to introduce distinction such as animate and inanimate, agency and act, intelligible and sensible. Li is much different from being some independent and immutable originative principle that disciplines a recalcitrant world. It is the fabric of order immanent in the dynamic process of experience. That is why â€Å"psychology† is translated in to Chinese as â€Å"the li of the heart-and-mind,† but then â€Å"physics† is â€Å"the study of the li of things and events. † What separates li rather clearly from Western common understanding of â€Å"principle† is that li is both a unity and a multiplicity. Li is the coherence of any â€Å"member of a set, all members of a set, or the set as a whole. † Both the uniqueness of each particular and the continuities that obtain among them are reflected by this description. Li then is the defining character or ethos of a given community, or any other such composition. Ames also claims another point at which li departs from â€Å"principle. † In Western tradition, the discovery of originative and determinative principle gives us a schema for classifying things and subsuming one thing under another. That is why people seek â€Å"principle† in Western tradition. However, the investigation of li, by contrast, is to seek out patterns that relate things, and to discover resonances between things that make correlations and categorization possible. B. Hans-Gorg Moeller In Daodejing, the meaning of â€Å"the root† is described by using metaphor. From the view of the Daoist, our world is a â€Å"self-generating† process. In Daoism there is no initial beginning for â€Å"logical† order. In Daoism, order is immanent in and inseparable from a spontaneously changing world, and then â€Å"the world creates itself. † In this point of view, the role of â€Å"the root† is very important. â€Å"The root† is an origin of phenomenon, and many things are derived from â€Å"the root. † Unlike many Western philosophical perspectives, this â€Å"root† has a somewhat unique, interesting, and different meaning in it. The Western philosophy’s principle or arche is the first cause of the event. And nothing would exist if there were not any of the Western philosophy’s principle or arche. However, the concept of â€Å"the root† is different of that. From the Daoist perspective, â€Å"the root† is a part of the plant. â€Å"The root† does not exist before the plant although plant cannot exist if there is no â€Å"the root. † That is, â€Å"the root† itself is not a creator of the plant. It is the origin of the growth of the plant. â€Å"The root† is buried in the soil or ground, so it is invisible. However, â€Å"the root† greatly influences its visible part. This illustrates Daoist’s â€Å"autopoiesis,† self-generating concept well, which differs a lot from the Western philosophical concept â€Å"arche,† which is stated or recognized as â€Å"the God. † ?. Comparative Epistemology A. Hellenistic-Prescriptive theoretical knowledge In Western tradition, most of philosophers think there is one principle or one God and things happen from it. And the mind is separable part from the body. One of the examples is Plato. Plato’s dualism is that there are the realm of form and the imperial world. The body belongs to the imperial world and the world is constantly changing. And what we sense by the body is limited, and the Empirical world is not real. The true world is the realm of the form, and the mind belongs to the world. Plato argues that the â€Å"knowledge† continuously exists and must be justified conviction. However, the Empirical world that we belong to is contentiously changing, and there is no unchanging thing in the world. That is why there is no thing from which we can get â€Å"knowledge† in the Empirical world, so we cannot get â€Å"knowledge† by our own senses. The unchanging things exist in the realm of the form, and we cannot reach the world by using our senses. So we need to use our mind to get â€Å"knowledge†. Not all of Western philosophers claim like that, but most of philosophers claim that the truth does not exist in the world where we live today. This concept greatly influences Christianity or other religions that have the one God. In Christianity, there is one God named â€Å"Jesus Christ†, and he is the reason why things happen or why we live. People pray to seek â€Å"knowledge† that exists in the world where we are not living. That is, we cannot get the â€Å"knowledge† about it in the world where we are living, and we need to get it from the other world to know the essence of the things. B. Chinese philosophy-Prescriptive practical On the other hand, there is no the one God in Chinese philosophy. In China, the war occurred constantly, and Chinese dynasty changed over time, so people did not come to rely on one thing. This influenced the Chinese philosopher. Instead of one god or one principle, Chinese philosophers think that the world creates itself and that the world is constituted by the combination of determinacy and indeterminacy, and spontaneous, dynamic changing is the universal principle of the world. In Western tradition, the philosophers try to attribute many phenomenons to the one reason. However, Chinese philosophers think that each thing is â€Å"self-so† creativity, self-generating, and spontaneous. For Chinese philosophy, the Nature is very important, and in Daoism it is important not to try to force thing. That is why there is the concepts in Daoism; wu wei(without intentional action), wu si(without deliberate thought), wu si(without selfish interesting), wu ji(without self-awareness), wu zhi(without knowledge), wu xin(without heart-and-mind). Daoists claim that when you are thinking something, the world is also changing at the same time, so you are missing something. That is why it is important for Daoism to stop thinking by your head, get out of the world of your head, look around the world, and take action. The most important thing for Daoism is that we ought to take action as a part of the world. ?. Conclusion There have been so many philosophers through the history, and each of philosophy has been developed around the world. And how people think about the world is different, depending on the philosophy. Of many philosophies, the significant different philosophies are the Western and Chinese philosophy. In the Western philosophy, the philosophers try to attribute everything to the one principle or the one God. On the other hand, there is no principle, and the philosophers have recognized the world as self-generating process, and the world is the source of itself without no exact start and end point. This thought influences religion and how people think about the world. Around the world, many wars related to religion occur today. The difference between the religions is just what ancient people developed, so it is important to try to understand the difference in today’s world. Reference Pecorino, Philip, Ph. D. â€Å"Chapter 6 : The Mind-Body Problem Section 3: DUALISM. † Introduction To Philosophy an Online Textbook. Queensborough Community College, CUNY, n. d. Web. 4 Dec 2013. . Deutsch, Eliot. Introduction to World Philosophies. 1st ed. 509. New Jersey: A Pearson Education Company, 1997. Ex-255-256. Print. Deutsch, Eliot. Introduction to World Philosophies. 1st ed. 509. New Jersey: A Pearson Education Company, 1997. Ex-469. Print. Cohen, Marc. â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave. † Philosophy 320 History of Ancient Philosophy. University of Washington, 07 11 2013. Web. 4 Dec 2013. .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ecology - tasks (4) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ecology - tasks (4) - Assignment Example Since, it is a very ‘hot’ country, UAE needs energy to desalinate and cool their domestic water supplies. The eco-footprint of UAE is estimated at 10.68 global hectares per person. In fact, if everyone lived like a UAE resident, approximately four and a half planets would be required to sustain humanity. This figure is quite alarming since if everyone lived like this then the long-term availability of such resources will be significantly diminished. This will also affect the climate systems, the hydrological cycles and the nutrient cycles in the atmosphere. Choosing to eat imported foods can also affect our planet tremendously since the transport of food products (food miles) is the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gases (Center for Environmental Education, 2008). According to research done by the World Watch Institute, imported products can use much more energy and also produce much more emissions as compared to a local diet. However, there are several methods we can adapt to in order to reduce the ecological footprint. Some of these methods include using green transport modes. For example, opting to use a bicycle instead of a car especially when the distance to be covered is relatively short. Individuals should also aim at adopting green energy to reduce goods and services footprint efficiently. Furthermore, individuals should implement water saving habits and also encourage their families to consume in-season local food. People should also strive in using sustainable building materials such as wool bricks and triple-glazed windows among others (Mamangon, 2014). In conclusion, the UAE launched an initiative to curb its ecological footprint by creating an initiative called the Al Basma Al Beeyah in 2007 through a partnership with the several organizations and societies. This initiative is aimed at developing scientific achievements to address the challenge. The initiative has been able to assist in the innovation of greener energy

Friday, September 27, 2019

Inclusion of SEN Students in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Inclusion of SEN Students in Schools - Essay Example Just as much as in schools, societal attitudes can represent a great obstacle to the inclusion of disabled people in the community (Forest, 1991)3. The societal attitude of the 'normal' people towards disabled people has been characterised by confusion, ambiguity and a modicum of good will. It therefore comes as no surprise that, mainstream pupils exhibit an ambiguity, not dissimilar to their elders, in regard to their few disabled colleagues in school (Lewis, 1995)4. Researchers and educators have developed legal, educational, ethical and psychological arguments to support the inclusion of children with disabilities into mainstream schooling. However, for the successful integration of these students into the mainstream, there needs to be a total reappraisal of the existing educational system. This would include changes in organisational structures, curriculum and teaching methodology (Meijer, 1994)5. For this system to become a success would need the wholehearted support and integration of all teachers (Michael Shevlin, 2000). Having understood the basic idea of what is necessary to the inclusion of special educational needs in schools for introducing students with learning difficulties, the next logical step would be to understand what this term 'Special educational needs' mean in the context of this paper. Disability, difficulty in learning, learning difficulty and special educational needs, may seem a lot similar, but they are quite different in their literal sense. Special Educational Needs under the Education Act of 1996 states that 'a child is in need of special educational needs if he/she has a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for that student (Section 312). Learning Difficulty is attributed to students with: Greater difficulty in learning than other children of his/her age Has a disability which prevents him/her from making use of facilities that is provided to children of their age in school (Section 312 (2)) of the Education Act. (Michael Farrell, Ch.1, p.11-12, 2003) 2.0 Executive Summary Disabilities are a curse on society. Disabilities can be physical, mental, or social. The perspectives and social relationships of young children, including gender bias, the relationship between racism and education, and racism and identity in school and curriculum are social barriers that must be addressed in inclusive policies. These social cancers must be removed from schools to make inclusive education a success. Such discrimination of disabled and under-privileged children can lead to depression. Mental disorders can play havoc with children at a young age. Language is also a barrier for children to mix and learn with other children. Physically challenged children also face the embarrassment of being recognised as

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Crital thinking analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Crital thinking analysis - Essay Example The purpose for me to write this report, is to evaluate this piece of writing analytically that will further illuminate the results of my critical thinking. Further this report is intended to serve the purpose of describing, evaluating and analyzing the arguments presented in the article. This report further should be able to inform the Editorial review board, based on a solid analysis that whether the article is worthy of being published in the journal of ‘Advanced Critical Thinking ‘for businesses and why. The major issue outlined in the article is that of the fact that, with the help of a proper restructuring plan, public limited companies can be turned into profitable firms by taking them into private ownerships and restructuring them. . Furthermore, the Example of Blackstone Company is being discussed herein. The Article also highlights the American approach towards such an issue. It also investigates how Foreign Companies listings on the American stock exchange helps gain valuation premium. The Article tends to put forth a question: If the readers think that that a public firm that is to be restructured would be better managed if it would be financed in a better manner. The article outlines the details of Blackstone Company, which is listed with the American Stock Exchange. The Global IPO‘s current position is described. The market in London then in comparison is stated to possess policies and rules that pose lesser personal risk to the directors of companies. How finance experts argue that the American approach is better off is also described briefly. How tighter regulations along with then bring Investor confidence has also been defined and explained. Private equity and the typical Buyout transaction entail hollowing out a public company which is undervalued and restructuring and after a few years selling the company for a profit. The article compares both the American stock exchange and London stock exchange working

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

TEXTBOOK CJ2012 FAGIN-Explain a motion for discovery and for Essay

TEXTBOOK CJ2012 FAGIN-Explain a motion for discovery and for suppression - Essay Example Thus, any evidence, which the police gather in violation of the provisions of these amendments, becomes invalid in a court of law to secure a conviction. The defendant in a criminal case has to right to request to the court to instruct the prosecution to provide him or her all the materials that they have gathered as evidence in the alleged offence. This will help the defendant to understand the nature of the evidences that the prosecution will use to argue their case. Thus, an examination of these evidences will enable the defendant to prepare for the trial and prove his or her innocence. The courts in the US function with a view to ensure a free and fair trial to all citizens. Therefore, it is in the interest of justice that the defendant be given all opportunities to examine the evidences that the prosecution has collected against him. During the trial, the prosecution, who is already in possession of the evidence, will use these materials to argue their case to prove that the defendant has committed a particular offence. Hence, in the interest of natural justice, the defendant also must receive the opportunity to examine the evid ence so that he or she can prepare the defense accordingly during the trial. It is on this premise, to ensure fair trial, that the defendant is provided the right to the motion for discovery. The motion to suppress is another significant right offered to the defendants under the provisions of the law, to ensure a free and fair trial, through the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the Constitution. This provision confers on defendants the right for a motion, requesting the court to direct the prosecution to suppress certain evidences that have been obtained through illegal means. The main issue at stake in Suppression Motions is whether police officers â€Å"obtained evidence in violation of a constitutional or statutory right† (Jorgensen 7). Thus, if the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words - 1

MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS - Essay Example The quality of the brand and services offered by the company have improved, but the company has tried to personify the introduced products in such sophisticated manner, so as to attract the focus and interest of the customers; topped with whipped cream and a dusting of toffee sprinkles, McDonalds version of this traditional delicacy is a luxurious tasty treat (Burt, 2007) is one of the notations associated with the particular product. The McDonalds has been successful in offering convincing experience which has enthralled and delighted the customers, the company instead of coming up to the expectations of the customers, has further enhanced the level of their taste through magnificent offerings. The chairman of the McDonalds has agreed and stressed upon the effectiveness of such strategy, the one common thread to the success of these stories and the company is that they have to be true and they have to be authentic (Burt, 2007). As per the current record of the sales, and future prediction of the sales on the basis of current trend are encouraging, by the end of 2012 the sales of the Schultz will be three times higher and will reach the mark of twenty three billion US dollars. The company has revealed a comprehensive plan aimed at the expansion of units, more than forty thousand stores are expected to be launched in the coming few years. Keeping in view the mission statement of the company, which aims at the establishment of the McDonalds as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining the uncompromising principles during growth (Burt, 2007), the mission statement is in lieu with the planned and present activities of the company, and by the end of next five years, the company is expected to achieve the glory highlighted in the statement. The company has decided to create a healthy work environment, which is expected to develop positive consequences on the performance of the company. The importance of the healthy environment in the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Is globalization a net benefit or disadvantage to the international Essay

Is globalization a net benefit or disadvantage to the international system - Essay Example 23), which is a symbol of unifying entities using selected ideologies. However, so many debates concerning the issues of whether globalization is of any benefits to the world or if it has negative impacts on international systems. So many arguments relate structural violence to globalization. In developed countries, such a situation helps them in overcoming most economic barriers (Guehenno: pp. 28). This notion has brought â€Å"westernization† because such countries have overpowered the international markets. In this case, structural violence disrupts peace globally. In return, such violence gives birth to disparity a catalyst to major conflicts. This could be the reason as to why there is widespread social polarization in the current international system. Through globalization, there is an evidence of imbalance in power in the international systems. Such imbalances lead to suspicions among countries, which in turn increase foreign policy costs and creating new kinds of threats (Baylis, Smith S. & Owens: pp. 110). The assumptions on threats are due to the change in global security. Already, the internet, intercontinental airlines, most media houses and international companies are among the pace setters in globalization. These global landmarks have led to interdependence. For this reason, countries are less concerned with the provision of security to other countries unless where they feel threatened. Nations with a common interest seem to gang up together with the aim of maximizing on the global nature by influencing most security matters. This, according to the arguments made by the Neo-Marxists, leads to inequality. A combination of all these issues revolving around structural violence results to global instability. The status of a nation in an international system is greatly affected by globalization. Through centralization, most states are under threat of losing monopoly

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Science and technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Science and technology - Essay Example However, even through the years of all the research, the AI project remains a failure (Kassan 1). Despite of this, Hawkins is certain that humans are capable of producing artificial intelligence (qtd. in Kassan 1). Honda, a Japanese mobile company, proved that Hawkins’s statement is rather accurate by creating ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility). The robot is said to be the most human-like creation Honda has ever made. By 2005, ASIMO is â€Å"better, stronger, and faster.† ASIMO â€Å"can do things like turn on light switches, open doors, carry objects, and push carts† (Orbinger and Strickland). Robots pretty much do the things that humans cannot do or simply do not want to do. This is a good deal for people who are too busy to do the chores at home or for someone who does not want additional burden when he comes from work. Yet, the question still remains: â€Å"Do we really need robots to do all these things?† In a brighter perspective, robots ca n do things more efficiently, â€Å"and without the continuous cost and social upheaval† (â€Å"Ethical Issues†). Is this not an insult to the capacity of humans to these jobs? It seems like the term â€Å"more efficiently† degrades the value of human work. Robotics, though a proof of humans’ intelligence, should not be taken as â€Å"slave machines† and made them do all the humans are capable of doing because first, it will affect human resources and job displacements, it would alter the natural, and it would forcibly pass through human limitation and eventually leading to the realization of the concept of â€Å"Singularity.† Necessity is the mother of invention; the seed of all production, or is it? The concept of necessity seems to have changed through the course of dynamic technological revolution. In the different kinds of industry, cutting the production costs without risking quality

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Chrysalides Essay Example for Free

The Chrysalides Essay During the course of the novel The Chrysalids we learned and traveled into the minds of some of the characters. All of the characters had their strengths (as well as weaknesses) but one character in particular seemed to keep her cool and lead her group of friends with a power known as ESP (extra sensory perception) away from a place known as Waknuk where they would be hunted and killed werent it for the fact that they all looked like regular human beings. The name of the girl I speak of is Rosalind. She plays a very big part in the story even though most people dont pay much attention to the things she does, she in essence keeps the group together and keeps them alive because she is a determined, resourceful and self-reliant young woman. To start lets look at some of the characteristics that make Rosalind who she is. A large part of her personality revolves around her determination in everything she does in life. (this includes her love life, her motherly attitude, the safety of the group etc. ) Lets start with her love life. In the early stages after David and Sophie are separated because her deviation is discovered we find out that Rosalind and David start to like each other, we find this out more through David then Rosalind as David is mainly the one speaking in the novel and we know that they like each other because things like She was handsome, with a face you could not help watching; she was attractive, too, in the way she moved and carried herself, (93) and I loved the bronze-gold hair that felt like heavy silk in ones hand(p. 149) It is also stated in the book that they would ometimes go into the fields to meet with each other and keep a romantic relationship but they could not do so as often as they would have wanted to because their fathers did not quite like each other The feud between our families which had first come into the open over the matter of the great-horses had now been established for years. (98). In terms of her determination towards her motherly duties at the time (taking care of Petra) she was always making sure she was safe even if it meant taking her away from David emotionally. It also served as a relief to her having another female other than David that she could vent to. She was also determined to keep Petra calm when she was scared of what would happen to the group and try to get information out of her calmly when she contacted the people of Sealand. for example when she says Did you ask her the name of the place, darling? Rosalind inquired. and But it is, darling. You get them from her, then you show them to us only gently, so that we can read them. (136) She would say words like darling and keep calm and say things in an upbeat tone so that she would cooperate and tell them what they wanted to know. To finish off this topic of discussion I look toward the fact that Rosalind was always determined and ready to help the group when they needed it. She did various things throughout the book to show her determination to the group. These actions were very beneficial and helpful but may have gone unnoticed because she was always the one pulling the group together so we forget about the smaller things she did and usually just recall the big things. For example, some very important things she did that could have gone unnoticed during the course of the book include the fact that before David and Petra had to leave home because the group had been discovered, they had not packed very much for the journey as opposed to Rosalind who had everything set up and ready to go at a moments notice. This small detail in the plot could have made the difference between life and death for the 3 of them. I say this because if Rosalind did not have everything set up the way she did it might have taken too long to get the horses or they might have run out of food on the way and starved making them incapable of finishing their journey. In essence we can already see that Rosalind is a true leader and we can also see by the last example that she is a very resourceful young lady. She demonstrates this in many parts of the novel and every time she shows this trait it not only helps the group proceed in their journey but also advances the plot. To start if we look back to the novel we can see that in every case where a plan needed to be made or a task executed she would be at the front lines getting everything ready to ensure that everything went smoothly. This included events such as the escape from Waknuk which I have already mentioned AND also the route for the journey they would take to get into the Fringes. She would also make contact to Michael whenever she could to get a status report on the soldiers position Whats happening? I asked Michael. Was that your lot shooting? No. That was the other party. Theyre trying to draw the Fringes men across their way so that we can come in from the opposite side and take them in the rear. (173) During their travels the group would also meet up with some people they didnt particularly want to see. Rosalind being the resourceful quick thinker she is would quickly take care of them with whatever and however she could. Perhaps I was sleeping lightly, or it may have been just coincidence that I woke up to catch an anguished thought from Rosalind. Ive killed him, Michael. Hes quite dead . . . Then she slid off into a panicky, chaotic thought-shape. (103) This just goes to show that her resourcefulness and committed attitude strengthens her overall personality and she will go to great lengths and use as well as do whatever she has to do to keep the group safe, which truly displays her personality and the type determined resourceful kind of person she is. To conclude there is one more point that must be addressed that brings her personality all together. Rosalind never had anyone at home or in her family she could talk to. For the most part she had to grow and learn for herself. This is what gives her, her protective shield and bring her together as one of the strongest (if not the strongest) member of the group. In every aspect of her life that we know of in the novel she relied on herself and got things done for her well being as well as the well being of those she cared about, because she was incredibly self-reliant. She always took things into her own hands and would even scold or get away from people if things were being done wrong Do you mean to say thats all youve brought? she said disapprovingly. ( ) She also took an active role in being a parental figure for Petra even though she had no parenting experience. She would simply rely on what she knew from what she had learned from what she had done through her mistakes and accomplishments and apply it to her real world scenarios. And in doing so would also give her the capacity to apply a game plan to other scenarios in her life such as how to keep everyone quiet about the groups powers and how to avoid and escape dangerous situations. It could even be said that being alone helped her develop her mind faster and that her armour would keep her in her thoughts long enough to be able to make non-rash decisions which could have ultimately led to the groups overall victory in the end. In conclusion the aspects of Rosalinds personality let her strive in a community where she would not have been accepted.  Knowing this Rosalind trained herself in the 3 key personality traits I have discussed which allowed her to be able to carry herself and the group to a triumphant victory over the people of Waknuk and allowed her to finally be able to take off her armour She turned her head. The under-Rosalind was in her face, smiling, shiny-eyed. The armour was gone. She let me look beneath it. It was like a flower opening. (208)which was probably Rosalinds biggest accomplishment.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Arlo Smart Home Security Camera Review

Arlo Smart Home Security Camera Review It is now even easier to install home surveillance systems especially with the proliferation of Wi-Fi cameras. The main issue with these cameras is that they require Ac power source meaning they can only be used indoors. This problem has been overcome by the introduction of Arlo security system from Netgear. It is designed to overcome the limitation by using battery-powered cameras that are linked to the base station via a Wi-Fi network. They offer very sharp video output and are very easy to install, they however dont offer audio to conserve the power, neither can you pan and zoom. Pros Completely wireless Small size camera design Easy to install Excellent quality color and night vision video Free cloud storage Weatherproof Easy to use apps Customization notification Cons Lacks audio recording No dynamic zoom, tilt and pan functions Night vision has no color Cameras secured on mount by magnets hence easy to steal When you exceed 5 cameras, you have to pay a monthly cloud storage fees of $9.99 Free recording is only for 7 days In high temperatures, the battery level indicator may wrongly how low battery Unboxing When you receive your brand new Arlo security system, the first thing is to hurriedly unbox it. It is however advised that you carefully and systematically take the contents apart in preparation to install in order to avoid any damage to the cameras or base station. If you are not confident enough to open the box, consider watching a video that shows how to unbox the package as carefully as possible. They will also guide you on how to install and setup the entire system without a glitch juts like an expert. Contents of the box US power plug with both EU and UK adapter Ethernet cable Wall plugs 8 lithium 123batteries 4 wall mounts The base station for the cameras 2 wireless cameras with a standard camera mount, an alternative to the magnetic mount. Design / Highlights The Arlo Smart home security camera review has a wonderful design. The package includes two cameras, the base station, Ethernet cable and 8 lithium batteries, four for each camera. It is possible to purchase a single camera set for $199.99 and get additional cameras at $159.99 each and ad them to the base station. It is equipped with 4 semi-round metallic mounting accessories that can be attached to the wall with the provided screws and dry wall anchors. The cameras have powerful magnets at the back of the housing for attaching them to the mounting devices without needing any screws or any hardware. Any flat surface or the refrigerator can serve as a mounting point for the camera. Both the cameras and the base station housing are done in a glossy white finish making them very beautiful. The cameras are 2.5 x1.6 x 2.8 inches and weighs 4 ounces. They are IP65 waterproof rated meaning they can be used outdoors in the rain and can manage temperatures from 14 to 122 degrees F to withstand the most extreme outdoors weather conditions. Technical Features Important features Wi-Fi communication The cameras communicates with the base station via a Wi-Fi network with a maximum range of 300 feet. Walls and other structures are known to diminish this distance. Base station Measuring 6.5 x 8.5 x 2.3 inches, the white base station has a LAN port, 2 USB ports, a power button, 5 LED status indicators, power jack at the back and reset switch. Its smart home and USB indicators are reserved for use in the future to manage your home mat features in addition to the surveillance cameras. Apps The Arlo app for iOS and Android and a web portal to allow logging in and managing your cameras from your browser anywhere you are. The opened app presents you with a split screen showing each camera and the last image captured. Each screen shows the camera name, date and time and its battery level. It also shows the motion detection icon and Wi-Fi indicator. You have to pres the play button for it to record live, this will continue till you leave the app. This video on demand feature helps a lot in saving the battery and bandwidth. When you click on the library you will have access to all the stored video and snapshots from where you can favourite, email, download to your device or delete. Motion detection sensitivity This system allows you to tune the sensitivity of the cameras motion detection. You can set the dates and time when it is enabled and disabled and also set the video quality. Performance review Pan and zoom are completely digital to save power. They must be reset in the settings so no dynamic pan, tilt and zoom. The cameras each use 4 CR123 batteries that can last up to 6 months when used optimally. The motion detection function can be configured to send push and email alerts. The cameras have a maximum resolution of 1280 x 720 and a 130 degree field of view. The 12 infrared LEDs provides up to 25 feet of night vision. It delivers sharp colored 720p videos during the day and excellent black and white video using the night vision at night though from 20 feet, the details becomes muddy. It has a couple of seconds lag between live action and the app display. The motion detection works perfectly as long as it is set to moderate sensitivity where it ignores slight movements like a moving tree in the wind. Final Verdict This Arlo Smart Home Security Camera Review shows that the security system provides a lot of flexibility in planning for your home surveillance. You can place the cameras anywhere within the wireless range and monitor your home from anywhere you are. The battery power may be the only major downside since they dont last too long but contribute to the flexibility since you can now install cameras even where there is no power source. It is weatherproof and also saves to the cloud for easy access and to provide additional security for the recordings themselves.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Stereotypes in the Film The Matrix Essay -- Movies Film Feminist Pape

Stereotypes in the Film The Matrix The purpose of this paper is to expose some of the stereotypes present in the film The Matrix, directed by Andy and Larry Wachowski. In order to accomplish this we shall see that although The Matrix is considered to be a film about rebellion, it contains several stereotypical portrayals, which actually make it a film that supports the status quo. We shall also see that the African American characters in The Matrix (the Oracle, Tank, Dozer, and Morpheus) are all depicted in the stereotypical servant roles. Furthermore, the women (Trinity and Switch) in this film are portrayed stereotypically; that is, they are either reduced to a caring/nurturing role or they simply help make up the background (they do not have a voice). Finally, Morpheus’ initial power and leadership is stripped away leaving him to play the stereotypical supporting and buddy role. The Matrix is considered by many people to be a cyberpunk triumph. Declan McCullagh from writes: "When Neo/Reeves wakes up from his VR slumber and unplugs from The Matrix, he joins a ragtag band of rebels led by the charismatic Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne). Their plan: To overthrow the artificial intelligences that have robbed humanity of reality" (McCullagh). Entertainment weekly also sees The Matrix as a movie about rebellion against oppression: "Neo is, of course, The One, the prophesied leader of the oppressed who will lead the people of Zion (an underground city populated by the last free humans) from bondage--but only if he can believe in himself and trust in the power of love" (Bernadin). Therefore, although the film appears to send a revolutionary message of a rage against ‘the machine’ or the matrix and its oppression, ... ...premacy should be the starting point of a renewed movement for racial justice" (hooks 118). Works Cited Bernardin, Marc. "The Matrix" 1999. <,1683,846,matrix.html> (14 Apr. 2000) [address has moved to: <,6115,270871~2|7696||0~,00.html> link updated by Dr P. 30 Oct 2002] hooks, bell. Killing Rage Ending Racism. New York: Henry Holt, 1995. McIntosh, Peggy. "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," in Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, ed. Paula S. Rothenberg. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998. McCullagh, Declan. "The Matrix: A Cyberpunk Triumph." Wired News. April 02, 1999. <> Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth. How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women. New York: William Morrow, 1991.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Henry Moore Essay -- essays research papers

Henry Moore was the most celebrated sculptor of his time, and the second part of his career, in particular, demonstrated that Modernist sculpture was, after all, surprisingly adaptable to official needs. In this sense, Moore was the contemporary equivalent of the great Neo Classical sculptors such as Canova and Thorwaldsen. Moore was born in July 1898 in Castleford, Yorkshire, the seventh child of a mine manager who had worked at the pit face. Both parents were strong and supportive personalities, and Moore's childhood was a happy one. He became a student teacher in 1915, and by 1916 was teaching in the local elementary school which he had attended in his boyhood. At seventeen he joined the army, as the youngest member of his regiment, the Civil Service Rifles. For him the First World War was not the traumatic experience it was for so many others: he remembers the army as being 'just like a bigger family' and says that 'for me the war passed in a romantic haze of trying to be a hero.' He was gassed at Cambrai but made a swift recovery, and finished the war as a physical training instructor. In September 1919, after a brief return to elementary-school teaching, he went to Leeds School of Art on an ex-serviceman's grant. He was soon recognized as a star pupil, and in 1921 won a scholarship to the Royal College of Art in London: I was in a dream of excitement. When I rode on the open top of a bus I felt that I was travelling in Heaven almost. And that the bus was floating on the air. Moore made the most of the opportunities London offered, regularly visiting the museums, where he acquired a great interest in primitive art: he was particularly struck by pre-Columbian sculpture. In his first year at the Royal College of Art he went to Paris with his fellow student Raymond Coxon, who had been with him at Leeds; these visits were to be many times repeated. In 1925 he visited Italy on a travelling scholarship - something which caused a certain creative blockage as he tried to work his way through what he had seen and experienced. Even before he went to Italy Moore had been fortunate enough to be offered a part time post as Assistant in the Sculpture Department at the Royal College of Art. In 1926 he held his first one man show, which attracted some distinguished purchasers including Augustus John, Henry Lamb and Jacob Epstein. He was also commissioned to prov... ...nd for the resulting insensitivity of surface in many of his larger works. The best of his late work is to be found in his drawings. While those of his active maturity nearly always seem to have been made with sculpture in mind (almost the sole exception to this being the celebrated series of Shelter Draivings made during the Second World War), the very late drawings are often pictorial rather than sculptural. Moore's studies of trees, made in old age, can be compared to similar sheets by Rubens and Van Dyck. In the post war years Moore was loaded with official honours - it is difficult to think of any which he might have coveted which were not offered to him. He was made a Companion of Honour in 1955, and a member of the Order of Merit in 1963. These marks of distinction showed the extent to which Modernist art had now been absorbed and accepted by the traditionally conservative British cultural establishment. They also demonstrated the extent to which Moore himself now identified with this establishment. Though his work remained in demand to the end of his life, and continues to fetch high prices at auction, it now seems very far from the mainstream of sculptural development.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The differences between the migration of the internal Chinese migration compared to the international migration of the Poles to UK

In discussing the differences between the migration of the internal Chinese migration compared to the international migration of the Poles to UK, I will look at a variety of push and pull factors. I will then go on to look at the impacts to both the area from which these immigrants left as well as the area that they went to. Firstly I will discuss the push and pull factors relating to the immigration seen internally in China. The migration is voluntary and from rural villages (where there is very little employment and a poor standard of living) to the constantly expanding big cities such as Shanghai. It is important to point at that this is nearly always a temporary migration as the migrants generally have the intent to return within a few months. The migration is of working aged adults who leave their children in the rural villages being looked after by the grandparents. The main reason for this migration is certainly an economic reason. There is nearly always work in cities such as Shanghai in areas such as building and working in factories. The jobs pay very badly and working conditions can be poor. The reason for leaving there children to work in this environment is in the aim of getting a better quality of life for them and their children. It is easily arguable that this is the main economic reason that not they themselves benefit from the migration but their children. I will now go through the Polish migration to the UK. This was an international and voluntary migration. Like the Chinese migration the reasons are mainly economic. However in contrast people do have jobs in Poland however wages are very low and people want to raise their standard of living. More money can be made in better conditions and less time in British jobs. The difference is so great that people the Polish workforce in Britain are often overqualified for the jobs that they obtain and are still paid more than they would be in jobs they are qualified for back in the UK. Also similar to the migration seen in China the Poles want their children to lead a better life from the move. However their goals differ slightly in that the Poles aim for their children to lead a more materialistic life from the migration. EU freedom to migrate and get work acts as a pull factor. This is due to the simplicity of the move. It also means that people are more likely to get work and not be discriminated against. Towns with a history of locals excepting migrants (such as Peterborough) mean that people are more inclined to move as they do not have a great fear of prejudice. The most obvious affect that the migration in China has on the areas from which the migrants left from is that children left with grandparents which in turn means that the dependency rate is extremely high. Money is sent back to these villages from the parents however they visit back home to these villages relatively rarely. On returning to the villages the parents will often bring goods such as TVs and they often bring fireworks to celebrate their return. So to a certain extent their goal to improve the quality of lives for their children is achieved. In contrast the impact in Gdansk was that women had many more opportunities to work due to the lack of males in the population. The country now has much more migrant Labour from countries like Korea and Lithuania to help with the lack of a workforce in Poland. Poland are now sending officials to the UK in and attempt to bring people Polish people back to places in Poland such as Gdansk. In looking at the impacts on the countries receiving the migrants in China it is clear to see that overcrowding is a major problem in cities such as Shanghai. An underclass seems to be developing in the major urban areas of poor illegitimate workers with a lack of options and without a real chance of their situation changing any time soon. Discrimination is also apparent in the Cities due to the local workers not willing to be paid what the migrant workforces are. However the cities are expanding extremely quickly and this is simply due to the cost of the manual labour. With the Polish migration many more police are certain school workers have to be bilingual. The Poles do contribute to the economy in the UK as they pay tax and often open shops or businesses which can employ British people. Many industries are now reliant on the migrant workforce such as Stanford Stands simply due to the cost and often efficiency.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fundamentals of Accounting Essay

For â€Å"Goods for Sales† inventory is usually divided into 1. Raw Materials : a) Natural Raw Materials: Cotton, Wools and etc. b) Synthetic Raw Materials: Acrylic, Viscose, Nylon, Polyester, etc. 2. Work in Process (WIP) : It’s starting with making Fibre from raw materials (Natural and Synthetic). Following by the process of spinning with the produced Fibre and come out with Yarn as the final product in spinning. Furthermore, Yarn will be processed into Grey Fabric by the process of weaving. Lastly, Processed Fabric is to be done from Grey Fabric. Processed Fabric will be used for Technical Textiles, Readymade Garments and Home Textiles. These products will contribute to further production of final goods. 3. Finished Goods : Finished goods will be categorised under the brand of PADINI, SEED, PADINI AUTHENTICS, P&Co, PDI, MIKI, VINCCI and so on. For example of finished goods are: sweater, skirt, knit vest, cotton pant, dress, shirt, belt, bag, tie, jeans, blouse, scarf, jacket, trousers, blazer and so forth. 1.2 Process of Manufacturing Raw materials that can be divided into two distinct categories: those derived from natural materials (cotton, et cetera) and synthetic materials (polyester, et cetera). Fibre will be produced by compounding raw materials into one. Fibre then will undergo the process of spinning to become yarn. The production process begins with yarn purchasing and progresses through knitting, dyeing, and finishing. The processed fabric is then ready for further production. Process of Manufacturing (after processed fabric) is given below in details: No. Design It is given by buyers to manufacturers containing sketches including measurements of particular styles Manual/Computerized 02 Basic Block Basic block is an individual component of garments without any style of design Manual/Computerized 03 Working Pattern When a pattern is made for a particular style with net dimension regarding the basic block along with allowance then it is called working pattern. Manual/Computerized 04 Sample Garments After making a sample, it is sent to buyer for approval to rectify the faults Manual 05 Approved Sample After rectify the faults, sample is again sent to buyers. Manual 06 Costing Fabric Costing, Making Charged, Trimmings, Profit Manual 07 Production Pattern Making allowance with net dimension for bulk production Manual/Computerized 08 Grading Different in sizes. S, M, L, XL, XXL Manual/Computerized 09 Marker Making Marker is a thin paper which contains all the components for different sizes for a particular style of garments Manual/Computerized 10 Fabric Spreading To spread the fabrics on table properly for cutting Manual/Computerized 11 Cutting To cut fabric according to marker dimension Manual/Computerized 12 Sorting & Bundling Sort out the fabric according to size and for each size make in individual bundles Manual 13 Sewing To assemble a full garments Manual 14 Ironing & Finishing After sewing we will get a complete garment which is treated with steam ironing & also several finishing processes are done for example extra loose thread cutting Manual 15 Inspection Should be approved as initial sample Manual 16 Packing Treated by Polyethylene bag Manual 1.3 Inventories Valuation Method Cost is determined using the first-in-first-out method for Padini Holdings Berhad for the financial year ended 30 June. p. 62 Note: *Full page copy of Financial Statement for this particular section will show at Appendix. 1.4 Amount of Closing Inventories The amount of closing inventories as reported in the financial statement for Padini Holdings Berhad was RM192, 285, 000 for the financial year ended 30 June. p. 80 Note: *Full page copy of Financial Statement for this particular section will show at Appendix. References: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Huckleberry Finn Paper Essay

The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin, by Mark Twain, is a book filled with satire, adventure, and much controversy. The book is written during the eighteen forties and takes place before abolition. In the story, a young boy named Huckleberry Fin escapes from his father and goes on an adventure in hopes of starting a new life. During this adventure, Huck witnesses many aspects of the real world and meets many new people as well. One of which is named Jim. Jim is a slave who ran away from his owner to try and become a free man. Huck befriends Jim and they start their adventure together. Mark Twain uses these characters to show how racism, in a society where racism is accepted, can be eliminated. I think his book improved race relations in the past and present. The book was published after slavery was abolished, but many people were still racist. His powerful themes and messages most definitely had an impact on many people and their thoughts on slavery and racism in the past and present. Some may have thought of this book as just a child’s book or may have thought nothing of it, but after reading this book I think otherwise. There are examples from the book to support this claim. After Huck befriends Jim, they go on an adventure and Huck experiences the real world and its racism. The society in which this book takes places accepts the idea of racism. They think that just because black people are a different skin color, they are inferior and are unequal. However, Huck breaks this race barrier while he is with Jim. Huck sees that Jim is a regular human being just like him, even though they are different skin colors. Jim is said to be somewhat of a fatherly figure and Huck accepts this. Jim is thought of this way because Huck says that he feels comfortable and safe around Jim and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Huck says, â€Å"Jim, this is nice,† I says. â€Å"I wouldn’t want to be nowhere else but here. Pass me along another hunk of fish and some hot corn-bread†(Twain 37). When Huck says this, it makes things seem like racism doesn’t exist and the racial barrier between blacks and whites no longer exists. Huck is joyous to be with Jim and wouldn’t give it up for the world. This quote becomes an important theme in the book as it reminds the reader over and over that a racial barrier does not demolish the friendship that Jim and Huck share. In the society that Huck grew up in, whites believed that all blacks were  thieves, liars, and were considered as property. This is very hypocritical because there are many of whites who fit the criteria of thieves and liars as well. Mark Twain made sure to add this hypocrisy into his book. He did this by involving two characters known as the Duke and the Dauphin. They are two men who travel from town to town stealing, scamming, and lying to people. It is completely ridiculous if whites judge another race by their skin color and then go do the same things they blame another race for doing. Now for an example to show what I mean. The Duke says, â€Å"Because Mary Jane will be in mourning from this out; and first you know the n***** that does up the rooms will get an order to box these duds up and put ’em away; and do you reckon a n***** can run across money and not borrow some of it?(Twain 134). The Duke and the Dauphin made a plan to pretend to be the brothers of a man name d Peter Wilks who had died. They would then take the money that was left behind from Mr.Wilks and run. The money left behind by Peter was intended for his real brothers and his family. The Duke and the Dauphin lie about who they are and then steal the money of a random man that they never knew. So it’s ok for whites to say that all black are thieves and liars, but when it comes to a white person it isn’t a big deal. I don’t think that is right at all and it is most definitely unfair. What the Duke and the Dauphin did was very enraging and should never be done. Later in the book the Dauphin sells Jim to a man named Mr.Phelps. Huck is very surprised and angry that the Dauphin did this. Huck then leaves the Duke and the Dauphin to rescue his best friend Jim. When Huck gets there, an old lady comes up to him and is very glad to see him. Huck later finds out that he is mistaken for Tom Sawyer and he uses this to his advantage. This mistake made by Mrs.Phelps helps Huck because it is now easier for him to find and rescue Jim. Huck says that he has to go get his bags from the boat that he came in and goes by himself. On the way, he finds Tom Sawyer on his way to Mrs.Phelps’ home. Tom is Mrs.Phelps’ nephew and she has mistaken Huck for Tom. Huck explains himself to Tom and this is where something very interesting happens. Huck says, â€Å"†¦And that is, there’s a n***** here that I’m a trying to steal out of slavery – and his name is Jim – old Miss Watson’s Jim†(Twain 170). Huck tells To m that he is trying to rescue Jim, but Tom’s response isn’t what someone might expect. Tom says, â€Å"I’ll help you steal him!†(Twain 170). This response said by Tom is very surprising, but it  shows that the racial barrier is broken and that there is a chance for people to not be racist. Tom was brought up in a society where racism was accepted and Tom was taught to be racist as well. However, Tom decides to help Huck and wants to rescue Jim. Mark Twain used important themes and issues that were present during his time in his book and blended them into the story very intelligently. It made people think about how racism isn’t right and that there is still hope for blacks and whites to be equal. I think that many people who read this book during the time it was published felt very strongly about racism being a problem. There are still many racist people today who would probably think nothing of this book; but those who aren’t racist would think this book has a powerful message and improves race relations.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Organisational Behavior Assignment

Groups and Organizational Dynamics Assignment Prof. Nafisa Kattarwala Submitted by – Ryan Pereira PT-MBA Div. B Roll No. 39 What are the types of groups you have worked with in an organization, what are the conflicts that had arisen and how did you resolve them? A group is defined as two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives. Groups can be either formal or informal. Formal groups are those groups that are defined by the organization’s structure, with designated work assignments establishing tasks.Informal groups are alliances that are neither formally structured nor organizationally determined. Informal groups are natural formations in the work environment that appear in response to the need for social contact. Formal groups are further classified into command groups, task groups and functional groups whereas informal groups are classified into interest groups and friendship groups. As an employee of JPMorgan, I had the privilege of working with a wide variety of groups ranging from functional (formal) groups to interest and friendship (informal) oriented groups.The formal functional group which I was associated with had been formed in order to achieve the organizational objective. As a part of the corporate actions and income processing team, my groups’ primary function was to ensure corporate action notices were sent out to clients in a timely fashion and ensuring payment of incomes (dividends and coupons) to all entitled JPMorgan clients were completed as per the specified deadlines. We were a group of 5 individuals (4 males and 1 female). The conflict that had initially risen within this formal functional group was the work allocation to males and females.As the team was usually heavily burden with volumes throughout the major part of the week and as the female in the group had to leave early to take care of household activities, she had informed the group that she w ould not accept additional work and will be working for only a fixed number of hours. This did not go well with the rest of the male employees who had to put in extra hours in order to complete the work. The male employees felt that she was taking undue advantage of the fact that she was a female and taking on less work and responsibilities as compared to them.As the team leader was on an extended leave, it was the operations analyst’s responsibility to handle the situation and maintain order in the group. As I was the operations analyst in the group, I ensured that the interests of all the parties in the group were met by requesting the female member of the group to do an early shift (early morning 7 AM to 5 PM) so that she could handle a majority of the workload in the morning and could leave at her scheduled time so that she could also complete her household activities.In this way the interests of the female employee was met as well as that of her male colleagues who had r elatively less workload at the latter part of the day as compared to before the conflict. The second group that I was associated with was informal in nature and was an interest group. JPMorgan has a wide variety of hobby groups that an employee can join, in order to enrich the employees’ interest in certain hobbies like reading, trekking, etc.I had enrolled myself in the reading group as I am an avid reader and knew that JPMorgan has an extensive collection of books and literature and could benefit extensively from my associations with the group. The group used to give out books (novels of all genres – management, science fiction, adventure, autobiographies, crime, detective, etc. ) to employees for a period of two weeks after which the employee would be requested to return the book to the group so that the group could lend the books to others.The group used to also hold book reviews and discussions on many occasions. The conflict that arose in this group was that a fe w group members felt that only they were actively participating in the reading group and the others were just there for name sake and were like sleeping partners. The members felt that there were individuals in the group who were not even responsible for the books lent by them to employees nor did they keep accurate tabs on those who had taken the books and had not yet returned the books as per the scheduled deadlines.As a result of this irresponsibility, the group had lost/ misplaced several titles from its collection and the books could not be replaced as the group was formed as a recreational group without any funding from senior management for purchasing books. The books that were in possession with the group were donated by employees and colleagues over the years and the collection had amassed to an impressive one.The group decided that as there were indeed individuals who were contributing relatively less as compared to the other individuals in the group, the group should list down all the activities that it entails and should allocate jobs/ tasks to each individual in the group. There should be primary, secondary and tertiary roles assigned to individuals so that no task/ group activity is left unchecked if one or two employees of the group were absent on a particular day.This way each individual in the group is given the responsibility of a certain group activity or task and no individual is sitting idle in the group without any work or with making any contribution in the group. Furthermore, it was decided that the tasks/ group activities would be rotated amongst the group members so that no one individual gets bored/ uninterested with the same activity and so that all the members in the group gets a hands on approach to all the activities of the group. The rotation was done on a month to month basis and quarter basis depending on the activity.The third group that I was associated with was an informal friendship group. In JPMorgan, I had the privilege of meeting some amazing and extremely talented people. I was fortunate enough to form a lasting bond of friendship with such individuals. These individuals were from different backgrounds and had different thought processes and hence I was able to learn a lot from them. We were a total of seven friends at JPMorgan – four males and 3 females. All of us were from different departments and used to sit on different floors of the same building, but we used to meet up to have lunch together as a group.We used to co-ordinate amongst ourselves and used to meet in the office cafeteria. In a span of one year we had become really good friends and had some truly memorable times with each other. One day when the entire group was seated for lunch at the office cafeteria, a conflict of sorts broke out amongst the group when one of the guys in the group made a general statement and one of the girls in the group took the statement personally and felt that the statement was directed at her as an insult.The guy in the group did not intentionally want to insult the girl but the girl took the statement in that manner. Due to this miscommunication, there was a cold war between the girl and the guy and those that were around them. The rest of the friends in the group did not understand why the two were behaving in such a negative manner towards each other. All those who were part of the group started acting differently around each other as they too were friends with the guy and the girl in some way or the other and they could not take sides.Due to this there were a lot of petty issues which were brought up and made into big issues as the group started fighting amongst themselves. In the end, we all split up and are no longer in touch with each other. We decided to stay apart as the incident created a riff in the friendship which could not be bridged. These are some of the groups that I was associated with along with the conflicts that had been faced and how they were resolved .

Adolf Hitler and Japanese Canadians War

WWII ESSAY TOPICS Please Note: You need to form an historical research question for your topic. The answer to your question is your thesis statement 1. How and why was Germany allowed to annex Austria and the Sudetenland? Was there any justification for Britain and France’s policy of appeasement? 2. Discuss the role that Italy played in World War II. How did the nation become involved in the conflict? How did its participation affect the direction of the war and Germany’s fortunes? 3. Discuss the issues surrounding the United States’ decision to use atomic bombs against Japan.What motives were behind this action, and what arguments have been made against it? 4. Explain how the situation in Europe immediately following the fall of Germany led directly to the Cold War. In your opinion, should the Western Allies have acted to oppose Soviet domination of Eastern Europe? 5. Consider the role of technology during World War II. Did it fundamentally affect the outcome of the war? If so, how? If not, why not? 6. Compare the roles of Germany and Japan during World War II. Generally speaking, were their aggressions fundamentally similar or fundamentally different? . Explain Germany’s mistakes in Russia and the ways in which they affected the outcome of the war. 8. Why did the British government give in to German demands regarding Czechoslovakia in 1938, but took a relatively firmer stand over Poland in 1939? 9. Compare Soviet and British policies toward Poland between 1943 and 1945, focusing on both aims and outcomes. 10. Did the nature of German rearmament between 1935 and 1939 support the view that Hitler was planning for a Blitzkrieg war? 11. Asses and explain whether the internment of Japanese Canadians justified during World War Two? 2. Discuss the major differences between how the allies treated Germany after World War Two with World War One and how it may have been better. 13. Compare the strategic significance of the Battle of Stalingra d and the Battle of Britain. 14. Discuss Blittzkrieg and the importance of this tactic during World War Two. 15. Assess and explain the role of women during WWII and compare them to WWI. 16. The Second World War had consequences for European society and the world at large that were every bit as profound as the changes wrought by World War I.Assess these consequences as they became evident in 1945 as the war ended as well as for the years following from the standpoint of physical losses (casualties, refugees, infrastructure, etc. ) as well as the political and territorial settlements in Europe and the world at large. 17. To what extent were the German’s people responsible for Hitler/ Holocaust. 18. Compare WWI to WWII, identifying similarities in the causes, development, and outcomes of the wars. Other topics to consider Appeasement (WLM King) IsolationismThe Treaty of Versailles The League of Nations (failure of) Dieppe D-Day (Juno Beach) Liberation of Holland Dunkirk (evacua tion of) Battle of Britain Battle of the Atlantic Role of Technology / Canadian war production Anti-Semitism in Canada Internment of Japanese Canadians War on the homefront – War production / Changing role of women TOPIC LIST Blitzkreig The Battle of the Atlantic Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service (Wrens) Lebensraum The Brtsh Commonwealth Air Training Plan Canadian Women’s Auxiliary AirforceOccupation of the Rhineland Camp X The Munich Pact Cdn Women’s Army Corps D-Day The Nazi-Soviet Non Aggression Pact The Battle for Normandy Canadian War Brides Dunkirk Treaty of Versailles The Royal Cdn Air Force Wm. L. Mackenzie King War on the Homefront War Propaganda The Home Front General Guy Simonds Canada and the Italian Campaign Conscription The Scheldt Estuary The Internment of Japanese Canadians Liberation of the Netherlands Canada and Hong Kong Juno Beach The Battle of the Atlantic VE Day Dieppe Verrieres Ridge

Friday, September 13, 2019

Perception vs Reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Perception vs Reality - Essay Example Stakeholders need to be informed of the prevalent circumstances irrespective of the nature of the information (Jackson, 2012). Communicating challenges and successes eliminates the negative perception from the stakeholders. Always maintain strict resource observance: Stakeholders are continuously interested in the resources and confusions arise whenever the project management is not strict as it should be. Anything that seeks to deduct from the resources or affects the distribution of resources should be well documented. There are no little requirements in the management of resources, and that perception should be avoided at all cost. The resource management team should communicate to the stakeholders on the efficient utilization of resources and the documentation requirement to access resources emphasized (Jackson, 2012). The project manager is responsible for the management of the resources and decisions made by the other levels of management should be inclusive. Quality supersedes quantity. Resources should be effectively and efficiently used and allocated accordingly to achieve better performance. In any project, stakeholders desire to have it completed quickly and inexpensively (Jackson, 2012). Perceptions of the management of how the outcome can be quickly achieved arise from executives making unrealistic promises to the stakeholders. In most cases the project has to give to receive; completing projects quickly and inexpensively results to low quality projects. Time for all the projects is a limited resource that should be carefully considered. The stakeholders need to realize that more resources need to be utilized to achieve quick results (Jackson,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Patient Care And Influence On My Career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Patient Care And Influence On My Career - Essay Example I used to work under the directions of Registered nurses and physicians in delivering patient care in the hospital. I made a huge contribution in bathing patients and assisting patients during their physical therapy sessions. I also provided basic bedside care services such as taking the vital patient disease signs such as blood pressure levels, pulse rate and body temperature. My patient care in assisting the patients relieve pain and discomfort through applying new dressings, applying ice packs and providing alcohol rubs enabled me to acknowledge the valuable work that nurses do in delivering high quality patient care. I appreciate the dignity of human life and need to handle all patients with respect and that is why I participated in feeding the patients, recording the fluid intakes, and assisting patients with their personal hygiene (Chang 12). I believe that my approach to patient care was holistic since carried out an ongoing physical, social and emotional assessment of the patients in the hospital and fostered the independence of the patient in making the decisions concerning the preferred treatment method. Accordingly, I participated in the development and implementing of patient care plans through collection of laboratory samples and performance of simple laboratory tests. Another aspect of patient care that aroused by interest in joining nursing school is the care of babies and the need to educate the mothers and families on hygienic and healthy baby care habits. In this regard, I participated in disseminating information on hygienic baby care procedures and monitoring of any illness signs on the young babies (Harrion 104). I believe that I will contribute immensely to the nursing profession after completion of my education. I am confident that I will gain practical skills that are capable of meeting the needs of the health care system. I will be in a position to understand the economic, political and social forces that have shaped the nursing profession. Accordingly, the demand for nursing care services is currently increasing thus I will be able to contribute towards delivering a patient-centered care. I am sure the nursing knowledge, skills and attitudes will enable me improve the patient outcomes and ultimately lead to a higher satisfaction level among the patients. I will provide physical patient care, make sure all patients complete the treatment prescribed by the physicians and document the patient’s response to the particular treatment. I will provide patients the prescribed medication according to the existing legislation and assist in the rehabilitation of patients. In addition, I will assist in post-operative care procedures such as nutritional management and dressing of the wounds (Chang 14). Accordingly, I will be capable of providing direct patient care such as administerin g prescribed medication, carrying out basic diagnosis, and providing emotional support to patients. The course will enable me adequately demonstrate knowledge of nursing techniques and principles through constantly monitoring the patients’ medical conditions and updating the medical records. I will be in a position to supervise junior nurses such as LPNs and midwifery students in order to foster the quality of health care. In this regard, I will adhere to ethical and professional expectations of the nursing profession through respecting patient autonomy, maintain cordial working relationships with my colleagues and providing the highest attainable quality of nursing care. I will remain committed to continuing nursing education through attending nursing workshops and participating in nursing associations in order to contribute in new nursing knowledge generation

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Stem cell research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Stem cell - Research Paper Example However, in an embryo that is developing, stem cells can differentiate into a large number of specialized cells and may maintain the normal output of those organs, which regenerate such as blood and skin. The main difference between stem cells and other cells in the body is the fact that they are able to differentiate into other types of cells or tissues. This ability allows them to replace the cells that have died, moreover, this has been used by scientists to replace those cells that are defective in patients who have diseases and effects that cannot be effectively cured by other forms of medicine (Dresser 181). â€Å"Scientists believe that stem cells, from which all other types of cells can grow, will help cure Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, spinal injuries, congestive heart failure and other maladies† (Kelley). The usage of stem cells, especially embryonic stem cells in the cure of diseases such as Parkinson’s disease has come to breed a lot of controversy, and there has been a great deal of support for those who are for it and for those who are against it. There are different types of stem cells andmany different terms have been used to describe them, and these descriptions tend to come from the area of the body or the state of development from which they have come. Among the different stem cell forms are the following: tissue stem cells, fetal stem cells, cord blood stem cells, embryonic stem cells and finally, induced pluripotent stem cells. Moreover, many adult stem cells can substitute cells that die or restore tissues that have been damaged in injuries and such adult tissues as skin and muscle have their own stem cells, and in the bone marrow, blood-forming stem cells help in the production of blood cells. It is yet to be determined whether all organs have stem cells and it can, therefore, be said that the term adult stem cells is used very broadly and may contain other categories of stem cells, which are not necess arily found in adults. There are certain accepted stem cell therapies in the medical field, which require the use of stem cells, which are tissue specific. These tissue stemcells used in these therapies include the bone marrow and cord blood stem cell transplantation, which treat diseases related to blood or the restoration of blood after treatments of such conditions as cancer. In this situation, the tissue stem cells are used to mend the parts of the body from which these cells came. Another adult stem cell type is the mesenchymal stem cells, which are found in a number of tissues, and they are speculated to be able to produce bone, cartilage, and fat (Siegel 215). This has yet to be proven for human beings, but there is ongoing research on animals to determine whether these cells can be used to treat such conditions as bone fractures that do not normally heal. In addition, there is a possibility that these cells or cells that are similar to them play a role in altering the immune system in response to injury. Fetal stem cells are those, whichare taken from the fetus, which is a developing baby that has gone approximately ten weeks into gestation. The majority of the tissues in the fetus include cells that can help in the swift growth and maturity of organs and are extremely much like adult stem cells, which are often tissue specific. The fetus stem cells often produce the cell types that are mature inside the organ from which they were